QuteMol - Side to Side comparisons

In this page you can see some random QuteMol renderings, compared to what you can see on a typical state-of-the-art molecular graphics tools.

All renderings you see here are done in real-time!
Click on any of them to see a 1:1 enlargement.

Note: we are aware that QuteMol is not nearly as complete (as for file formats, visualization modes, extra embedded tools, etc) as many other established molecular visualizers are. It does not aim at replacing any of them. But, in our opinion, things that are done by QuteMol too are done by QuteMol in a far better way!

The Standard way


The QuteMol way

standard view
A molecule seen in standard space-fill mode. Its 3D structure is totally unclear.
   standard view
Let's add self shadows and depth cueing. The clarity improves, but the 3D structure still does not pup up.
QuteMol view
A QuteMol rendering with CPU-computed ambient occlusion lighting. Now the 3D structure does pop up! To isolate the effect, here the entire molecule is shown with a 100% white color.
   QuteMol view
Putting back standard atom colors.
standard view
Trying on a much smaller molecule (testosterone, only 12 atoms).
Standard direct lighting.
QuteMol view
Even for small molecules, our ambient-occlusion adds to the clarity.
standard view
A much bigger molecule (more than 60K atoms). Here, a direct lighting is totally unhelpful.
   standard view
Let's add self shadows and depth cueing. We start seeing something, but the 3D structure is still does not pup up.
QuteMol view
A QuteMol rendering:
ambient occlusion lighting.
Now the 3D structure does pop up!
To isolate the effect, here the entire molecule is shown with a 100% white color.
   QuteMol view
Putting back standard atom colors.
standard view
Another test:
standard space-fill rendering
of a random molecule.
QuteMol view
Ambient occlusion.
   QuteMol view
Thin borders added.
Thicker border.
   QuteMol view
Depth-aware "halos" added.

QuteMol renderings: some effect added.
See here for a more complete list.
standard view
Yet another test:
standard space-fill rendering
of a random molecule.
QuteMol view
Ambient occlusion.
   QuteMol view
Illustrative (aka: NPR) rendering.
QuteMol view
Depth aware borders.
   QuteMol view
With atom colors.

QuteMol renderings: some effect added.
See here for a more complete list.
standard liquorice standard liquorice qutemol liquorice qutemol liquorice
Liquorice mode. Standard renderings
(with and without atom colors).

Liquorice mode. QuteMol renderings.
Ambient occlusion added.
nano assembled bearing nano assembled bearing nano assembled bearing nano assembled bearing
A nano assembled ball bearing molecule,
with and without QuteMol.

Yet another artificial nano enigneered mechaninsm, with and without QuteMol. For this kind of very regular structures the qutemol effects are very useful to help the shape perception process.

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