Interactive and
Innovative Molecular Graphics
QuteMol is an open source (GPL), interactive, high quality molecular visualization system.
QuteMol exploits the current GPU capabilites through OpenGL shaders to
offers an array of innovative visual effects. QuteMol visualization
techniques are aimed at improving clarity and an easier understanding of
the 3D shape and structure of large molecules or complex proteins.
- Real Time Ambient Occlusion
- Depth Aware Silhouette Enhancement
- Ball and Sticks, Space-Fill and Liquorice
visualization modes
- High resolution antialiased snapshots for
creating publication quality renderings
- Automatic generation of animated gifs of rotating molecules for web pages animations
- Real-time rendering of large molecules and
protein (>100k atoms)
- Standard PDB input
- Quick installers for Win and Mac OS X (intel) (new!)
- Support as a plugins of the NanoEngineer-1 the modeling and simulation program for nano-composites (new!)
QuteMol was developed by Marco
Tarini and Paolo Cignoni of the Visual Computing
Lab at ISTI - CNR
Download QuteMol! v 0.4.1 - 6 Jun 2007 (whatsnew.txt)
Direct links: [win installer]
- [mac OS X package] |
QuteMol project page
and forums on
See a few screenshots of the visual effects
featured in QuteMol.
See a few side to side comparisons between
typical (state-of-the-art) molecular space-fill real-time renderings
and QuteMol ambient occlusion enhanced
renderings. |
Remember that QuteMol is citeware: if you use images obtained with it
then you should always cite QuteMol, especially in websites,
scientific papers, books, manuals, etc.
How to cite.
This paper, presented
at IEEE 2006 Visualization conference,
describes a few of the QuteMol tricks. Abstract:The paper
presents a set of combined techniques to enhance the real-time
visualization of simple or complex molecules (up to order of 10^6 of
atoms) in space fill mode. [more] The proposed approach
includes an innovative technique for efficient computation and
storage of an ambient occlusion terms, a small set of GPU
accelerated procedural impostors for space-fill and ball-and-stick
rendering, and novel edge-cueing techniques. As a result, the user's
understanding of the three-dimensional structure under inspection is
strongly increased (even for still images), while the rendering
still occurs in real time. [hide] [hide] |
A quick troubleshooting guide covering the most common problems
reported by QuteMol users. |
The slides that have been used to present the CG techinques
used by QuteMol at the IEEE 2006 Visualization conference - 3 Nov 2006. You can also
see the quick (80 secs) preview slides. |
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